As a value-added service to customers, we are pleased to offer complimentary seminars aimed at educating, stimulating discussion and sharing ideas to promote better customer relations. Seminar content can be tailored to your needs and interests, and can be held at your worksite or at West Park Healthcare Centre.
‘Ask an Expert’ seminars are Q&A-type open forums 60-90 minutes in duration and customized to meet the needs of the individual customer. We attend your office with an assessor(s) from a discipline selected by you.
Customer Seminars are half-day sessions geared towards multiple customers and are held at West Park. Two or three speakers (usually our assessors) share their expertise in a presentation-style format followed by a Q&A period.
To arrange a seminar or to be added to our email list to be alerted to future seminars and events, please contact
Jodi Starkman-Mendelsohn at .
We’ve chosen our experts wisely… have you?