Our outreach services include continuing education and consultation services.
Ventilator-assisted individuals, currently residing in the community, as well as their families, caregivers, and attendant service providers can receive on-going education and training through our outreach program. An appropriate Regulated Health Professional may conduct community visits and/or provide telephone support to assist in maintaining skills needed to care for the ventilator-assisted individual safely in their own environment.
Community based Home Ventilator Training is not a certification process for any Controlled Act as described in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. It is intended as an opportunity for consumers, families, caregivers and community support service providers to gain a shared understanding of the care required in a common language so that safe and appropriate care can be provided and misunderstandings minimized. The training can be provided on site at West Park Healthcare Centre or in the community as required.
We welcome the opportunity to share experiences and expertise in long-term ventilation with anyone who wishes to learn more. Ventilator-assisted individuals, families, caregivers, attendant service providers, healthcare professionals and other interested individuals or groups are able to contact us for information, education or advice.
For more information contact us at: (416) 243-3600 ext 32161.