West Park was blessed with double rainbows on an October morning. Photo credit: Trupti Kamat
Construction Highlights
Exterior Walls and Bricks
Installing external wall panels has been a noticeable task on the construction site this month. In the Outpatient Block, construction workers completed the curved exterior wall panel of the auditorium and have begun the wall panels on the Penthouse (rooftop) to enclose the ten, top-notch air handling units on the building.
Exterior bricks continue to be wrapped along the side of the Outpatient Block. Observers may notice damage to some of the bricks and windows on the building, which will be rectified before opening day. There will be a review of the entire building and EllisDon will correct any deficiencies.
Penthouse (Rooftop) Activity
While construction crews go floor-by-floor to install the various mechanical, electrical, and plumbing and masonry to shape the departments, the Penthouse (Rooftop) has been buzzing with activity.
Workers are busy connecting all the plumbing, gas lines and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) to the rooftop units, installing elevated steel structures to support the two cooling towers, enclosing the penthouse exterior walls with waterproofing and architectural metal panels, and waterproof membranes on the roof deck.
Construction on Buttonwood Ave.
As construction wraps-up on the East-West Rd., construction began on Buttonwood Ave. to install and connect communication, hydro and storm lines to the new hospital.
The work is expected to take approximately six weeks and have the following impacts:
- During working hours, vehicle access to the Main Building will be reduced to a single lane. A flag person will be available to direct traffic. During off hours, vehicles must adhere to yield signs.
- There will be no parking available on Buttonwood Ave. between Charlton Settlement Ave. and the construction site entrance by the Main Building starting on Friday, October 15.
- The Designated Smoking Area on the south side of Buttonwood Ave. will temporarily move to the Visitors Parking – South Lot around November 8, when work approaches that section of the road.
- The sidewalks and entrance to the South Parking Lots will be not be impacted.