
Quality, Patient Safety and energy

The dedicated health professionals here at West Park Healthcare Centre are committed to providing the best quality care possible to our patients. To measure the great work being done in this area, West Park uses many tools, listed below.


Quality Improvement Plan

West Park Quality Improvement Plan: Our Quality Improvement Plan, or QIP, is one tool that we are using to help us document and review our current performance in a variety of areas. With this plan, we will be able to very clearly see our targeted areas for improvement and chart our progress. To learn more, about QIP and see our most recent plans, click here.

Balanced Scorecard

West Park's Balanced Scorecard highlights the Centre's performance by measuring four key areas:

  • Our Stakeholders and Community;
  • Clinical Excellence;
  • Our People and Organizational Capacity;
  • Financial Capacity.

Balanced Scorecard FY2021-22 Q1*

Accreditation Report

The accreditation report describes the findings of West Park's the organization's most recent accreditation survey. The comments and identified areas for improvement in this report support West Park to continue to improve the quality of care and services it provides to its clients and the community.

Read about West Park's successful 2018 accreditation

Patient Safety

The Centre strongly supports the provincial government’s public reporting requirements because we believe it inspires improved performance, enhances patient safety, and strengthens the public’s confidence in Ontario’s hospitals.

Public reporting of Hand Hygiene Compliance Rates; and C. difficile (Clostridium difficile), VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) and MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection rates is another, helpful measure to ensure the care provided to our patients is even safer, and improves over time.

To learn more about these indicators, visit our Infection Prevention and Control section.


In compliance with Regulation 397/11 made under the Green Energy Act, 2009, West Park is required to make public its annual energy consumption and resulting greenhouse gas production. The first year of required data reporting is 2011. These results can be found in the following document:

Energy Reporting 2021

Energy Reporting 2020

As well, we also publish our Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan. See the latest plan below:

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2023 - 2028

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2019 - 2023 

You can also view these Greening Healthcare Annual Reports

Greening Health Care Annual Report 2016 

Greening Health Care Annual Report 2015 

Greening Health Care Annual Report 2014 

Greening Health Care Annual Report 2013 

Greening Health Care Annual Report 2012

Greening Health Care Annual Report 2011 

Greening Health Care (GHC) is a collective of over 50 Canadian hospitals working together to reduce energy costs while maintaining or improving patient care. The program provides the knowledge and resources to maximize energy and operating cost savings, beginning with understanding what the energy data says about not only a facility's overall energy performance, but the efficiencies (and inherent opportunities) of its various systems.

West Park has a long, proud tradition of energy conservation, earning a 2015 Green Hospital Scorecard Silver Seal for its energy conservation efforts and became a member of the 5% Club in 2018.

West Park is committed to providing exemplary care inspired by innovation and exceptional performance. By reducing our carbon footprint, we are contributing to the health and well-being of our patients and community.