Accountability is one of West Park’s core values. Being accountable to our patients, employees and the community means keeping you up to date on what we’re doing, and how we’re doing it.
Here you will find important information about West Park.
In the Strategic Plan and Governance section you will find our Strategic Plan and the by-laws that help guide West Park.
In our Connected Care section you will find information about the Ontario government's connected health care system and West Park's significant role in this system.
In our Partnership Pledge section you will find our Partnership Pledge, which reflects the responsibilities that staff, physicians and patients share in the delivery and receipt of healthcare services at West Park.
In the Accountability Agreements section you will find our most recent Hospital Service Accountability Agreement (H-SAAs) which outline the responsibilities of West Park Healthcare Centre and the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
The Performance section is devoted to quality and patient safety, and includes tools that measure the great work being done in these areas. These tools include our infection prevention and control indicators, quality improvement plans, our balanced scorecard and our most recent accreditation final report.
In our Financial Disclosure section, West Park posts a wide range of documents that may be of interest to the general public, including salary disclosure ($100,000 and up), reimbursement and expenses policies as well as executive employment contracts.
In our Information and Privacy section, you will find everything you need related to the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) including: a directory of available records; how to file a request for information; how the process works; and how to get help at any point in the process.