Industry Expertise
• An internationally-renown leading authority on spasticity
• Spasticity: a tightening of muscles in the limbs caused by neurological conditions affecting the central nervous system; affects those who have suffered from stroke, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis
• Runs West Park’s Spasticity Management Clinic - the largest adult spasticity program in the country
• In-Patient rehabilitation for people recovering from stroke or acquired brain injury
• Research and clinical practice of injecting Botulinum toxin
• Runs Northern Ontario clinic for diagnosis and treatment of patients with spasticity
Areas of Expertise
• Physiatry
• Spasticity
• Neuroscience
• Rehabilitation
• Brain Injury
• Northern Medicine
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residency Training, University of Toronto
Doctor of Medicine, M.D., University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Bachelor of Kinesiology, B.Kin. (Summa Cum Laude, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Bachelor of Science, B.Sc., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Additional Appointments
• Assistant Professor, Spasticity Management and Neurological Rehab, University of Toronto
• Best contribution to the quality of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Award (2005)
Sample of Publications
Prevalence of compartment syndrome in anticoagulated patients with stroke receiving botulinim toxin injections: a retrospective study