Dr. Sarah Brode

Specialist, Tuberculosis and infectious disease

Dr. Sarah Brode

Industry Expertise

  Physician Lead, Tuberculosis Service, West Park Healthcare Centre
Member, Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee – Communicable Disease (PIDAC-CD) Tuberculosis Working Group, Public Health Ontario
Member, Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee – Communicable Disease (PIDAC-CD) Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Working Group, Public Health Ontario
Member, Canadian Tuberculosis Elimination Network

Areas of Expertise

Tuberculosis (TB)
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
Respiratory Medicine


Masters of Public Health, Clinical Effectiveness, Harvard University, Boston
Doctor of Medicine, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science, University of Windsor

Additional Appointments

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Staff Respirologist, University Health Network (UHN)
Staff Respirologist, Nontuberculous mycobacteria program, Toronto Western Hospital, UHN


Doctors Notes-Why Tuberculosis remains a problem in Canada - The Toronto Star

Sample of Publications

Brode SK, Jamieson FB, Ng R, Campitelli MA, Kwong JC, Paterson JM, Li P, Marchand-
Austin A, Bombardier C, and Marras TK. Increased risk of mycobacterial infections
associated with anti-rheumatic medications. Thorax Published Online First: [24 April 2015] doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014- 206470.

Brode SK, Varadi R, McNamee J, Malek N, Stewart S, and Avendano M. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis: Treatment and Outcomes of 93 Patients. Canadian Respiratory Journal. 2014 Dec 10. pii: 16560.

Brode SK, Jamieson FB, Ng R, Campitelli MA, Kwong JC, Paterson JM, Li P, Marchand-Austin A, Bombardier C, and Marras TK. (2014). Risk of mycobacterial infections associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Ontario, Canada. Chest. 146(3): 563-572.